Python, PL/SQL and Unit-Testing


In my previous post, I listed several PL/SQL unit-testing frameworks.  While it is my intent to evaluate all – or at least most – of these, I’m starting with Python.

I first encountered Python a year or so ago while researching Hadoop – Python is one of the languages used in the provided samples.  Since then, I’ve run across Python more and more frequently.  Various teams at my work are now using it for tasks such as Financial engineering, QA automation, etc.  At first glance, it seems easier to learn than Java, especially now; Java has matured into a very complex ecosystem with a pretty steep learning curve when you factor in all the third-party modules, API’s and plug-ins.  Python seemed to me to be a better way to go – a modern language with many interesting and useful features and still a deep and comprehensive library of add-ons.

I’m not going to try to cover all of Python in this blog; just the parts that have proven useful for my unit-testing evaluations.  If interested, there are many fine books and internet resources available on this topic.  I started with this one.  This one is frequently mentioned online as a definitive work but I’ve never looked at it.  Also, this book gives a good overview of PyTest, the unit-test framework I used.


For this blog, I chose to first create a small PL/SQL package in Oracle that would insert and/or update data in one of the sample Oracle schemas.  I will be demonstrating how to unit-test this package with Python.

Here’s the package specification:

create or replace PACKAGE order_management AS
1. Create Order
 a. Verify customer exists
 b. Verify Promotion exists
 c. Verify Sales Rep exists
 d. Verify Order Id is unique
2. Create Line Items
 a. Verify Order Id exists
 b. Verify Product exists
 c. Verify Line Item Id is unique within order
3. Modify Line Item
 a. Verify Order & Line Item exist
 b. Verify Product exists, if changing
4. Delete Line Item
 a. Verify Line Item exists
 b. Override flag to delete order if last line item
5. Delete Order
 a. Verify Order exists
 b. Override to delete if line items present
 vresult INTEGER := 0;
 vamount NUMBER;
 invalid_customer EXCEPTION;
 invalid_promotion EXCEPTION;
 invalid_sales_rep EXCEPTION;
 invalid_order EXCEPTION;
 invalid_order_item EXCEPTION;
 invalid_product EXCEPTION;
 line_items_exist EXCEPTION;
 PROCEDURE create_order (
 p_order_id IN oe.orders.order_id%TYPE,
 p_order_date IN oe.orders.order_date%TYPE,
 p_order_mode IN oe.orders.order_mode%TYPE,
 p_customer_id IN oe.orders.customer_id%TYPE,
 p_order_status IN oe.orders.order_status%TYPE,
 p_sales_rep_id IN oe.orders.sales_rep_id%TYPE,
 p_promotion_id IN oe.orders.promotion_id%TYPE

PROCEDURE create_order_item (
 p_order_id IN oe.order_items.order_id%TYPE,
 p_line_item_id IN oe.order_items.line_item_id%TYPE,
 p_product_id IN oe.order_items.product_id%TYPE,
 p_unit_price IN oe.order_items.unit_price%TYPE,
 p_quantity IN oe.order_items.quantity%TYPE

PROCEDURE modify_order_item (
 p_order_id IN oe.order_items.order_id%TYPE,
 p_line_item_id IN oe.order_items.line_item_id%TYPE,
 p_product_id IN oe.order_items.product_id%TYPE,
 p_unit_price IN oe.order_items.unit_price%TYPE,
 p_quantity IN oe.order_items.quantity%TYPE

PROCEDURE delete_order_item (
 p_order_id IN oe.order_items.order_id%TYPE,
 p_line_item_id IN oe.order_items.line_item_id%TYPE,
 p_delete_order IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT false

PROCEDURE delete_order (
 p_order_id IN oe.order_items.order_id%TYPE,
 p_delete_order IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT false


For today, I’ll review a small PyTest script that runs a single unit-test on the create_order procedure.

Before we begin, let’s take a quick look at the structure of a Python – and in particular a PyTest – script.

1. import datetime
2. import cx_oracle

3. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
4. def openDb():
5.     """Generic database connection fixture."""
6.     <Setup code goes here>

7.     yield

8.     <Teardown code goes here>
  • Lines 1-2: imports – import any external modules
  • Line 3: Fixture annotation – fixtures enable reuse of setup and teardown code.  These are a PyTest feature.
  • Line 4: Function definition – openDb is the function name, any parameters are defined within the parentheses.  Note also the code within the function is indented by 4 spaces – this is a Python requirement.  It’s also applied to loops and if statements
  • Line 5: Function description – this will appear in the Python documentation
  • Line 6: Setup – Any setup code this fixture executes is defined here
  • Line 7: Yield – When this line is executed, control is passed back to the calling function
  • Line 8: Teardown – After the calling function has completed, the teardown code here is executed

So, here’s the first unit-test script.  It is executing a test to confirm that the create_order procedure creates a new order record and that all the columns contain the expected values.  I’ll do this in sections with notes after each.

First, the imports and title:

1. import cx_Oracle
2. import pytest
3. import datetime
4. import pandas as pd

5. """Test procedures in the the order_management package."""
  • Line 1: import cx_Oracle – this is the Python module provided by Oracle to enable database connections from Python scripts.  It has similar features to the ojdbc JDBC module
  • Line 2: import pytest – the unit-testing framework
  • Line 3: import datetime – a utility module for working with dates and timestamps
  • Line 4: import pandas as pd – pandas is a module that provides many functions for working with data in array-like structures named DataFrames.  The as pd part defines an alias for the module that is used in the subsequent functions
  • Line 5: script title

Next the fixtures.  Note: there are several fixtures that make use of one or more other fixtures using the same parameter definition syntax as for regular function definitions:

1. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
2. def openDb():
3.     """Generic database connection fixture."""
4.     params = pd.read_json("./parameters.json")
5.     dbconnectionstring = params.connection.hostname + ':' + params.connection.port + '/' + params.connection.service
6.     db = cx_Oracle.connect(params.connection.account, params.connection.password, dbconnectionstring)
7.     cursor1 = db.cursor()

8.     yield cursor1

9.     cursor1.close()
10.    db.close()

11. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
12. def add_customer(openDb):

12.     openDb.execute("""
13.         insert into oe.customers (customer_id, cust_first_name, cust_last_name)
        values (100, 'Customer', 'NumberOne')""")

14.     yield

15.     openDb.execute("""
16.         delete from oe.customers where customer_id = 100""")


  • Line 1: The fixture annotation.  Note the scope=’session’ instruction.  There are three possible scopes for a fixture: function, module and session.  This controls whether a fixture is run for every function or just once for a module, i.e. class, or session.  In this script, it will only be run once for the entire test session
  • Line 2: def openDb(): This is the function definition
  • Line 4: params = pd.read_json("./parameters.json") Here, we’re creating a DataFrame object (params) by reading a JSON format parameter file using the read_json function in pandas
  • Line 5: dbconnectionstring – construct a string object using the parameters previously loaded
  • Line 6: open the database connection
  • Line 7: create a cursor object.
  • Line 8: pass the cursor object handle back to the calling function via the yield command
  • Lines 9-10: close the cursor and db connection once all functions have completed
  • Line 12: def add_customer(openDb) – Define a new fixture function, this time referencing the openDb function as a parameter
  • Lines 12-13: Insert customer.  We insert this customer in a setup fixture in order to use it in a test function
  • Lines 15-16: once all dependent functions have completed the customer is deleted


Continuing with more fixtures:

17. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
18. def add_product(openDb):

19.     openDb.execute("""
20.     insert into oe.product_information (product_id)
21.      values (100)""")

22.     yield

23.     openDb.execute("""
24.     delete from oe.product_information where product_id = 100""")

25. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
26. def add_sales_rep(openDb):

27.     hiredt =

28.     openDb.execute("""
29.     insert into hr.employees (employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, department_id)
30.      values (50, 'Employee', '', :hire_dt, 'SA_REP', 80)""",
40.      hire_dt = hiredt)

41.     yield

42.     openDb.execute("""
43.     delete from hr.employees where employee_id = 50""")


  • Lines 17-24: create product fixture
  • Lines 25-43: create sales rep fixture

Last fixture:


44. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
45. def add_promotion(openDb):

46.     openDb.execute("""
47.     insert into oe.promotions (promo_id, promo_name)
48.      values (50, 'Promotion1')""")

49.     yield

50.     openDb.execute("""
51.     delete from oe.promotions where promo_id = 50"""
  • Lines 44-51: create promotion

Now the actual test code:

1. def test_create_order(openDb,add_customer,add_product,add_promotion,add_sales_rep):
2.     """Call create_order with specified inputs and test actual result matches expected."""

3.     order = {
4.      "ORDER_ID": [1],
5.      "ORDER_DATE": ['01-JUN-10'],
6.      "ORDER_MODE": ['direct'],
7.      "CUSTOMER_ID": [100],
8.      "ORDER_STATUS": [1],
9.      "SALES_REP_ID": [50],
10.     "PROMOTION_ID": [50]
11.    }

12.    expected_results = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(order)
13.    expected_results.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True)

14.    execute_proc = openDb.callproc('order_management.create_order', [
15.     order["ORDER_ID"][0],
16.     order["ORDER_DATE"][0],
17.     order["ORDER_MODE"][0],
18.     order["CUSTOMER_ID"][0],
19.     order["ORDER_STATUS"][0],
20.     order["SALES_REP_ID"][0],
21.     order["PROMOTION_ID"][0]
22.    ])
  • Line 1: For pytest, the test function must either begin or end with ‘test’.  All the required fixtures are called as parameters
  • Line 3: creates a dictionary object named order – a dictionary is a special object type in Python.  “A dictionary maps keys to values.  Keys need to be hashable objects, while values can be of any arbitrary type” (Learning Python).
  • Line 12; creates the expected_results DataFrame from the order dictionary
  • Line 13: sorts the columns alphabetically in the expected_results object
  • Line 14: use the openDb connection to call the procedure being tested.  If successful, this procedure call will create a new order record in the oe.orders table.  Note the references to the order dictionary.  The first pair of brackets denote the column and the second the row, zero reference


23.     openDb.execute("""
24.      select customer_id, to_char(order_date, 'DD-MON-RR') order_date, order_id, order_mode, order_status, 
25.      promotion_id, sales_rep_id from oe.orders where order_id = 1""")

26.     compare_status = True
27.     dbdata = pd.DataFrame(openDb.fetchall())
28.     cols = [i[0] for i in openDb.description]
29.     dbdata.columns = cols

30.     if openDb.rowcount > 0:
31.         for column in expected_results.columns:
32.             if (dbdata[column] != expected_results[column]).all():
33.                 compare_status = False
34.     else:
35.         compare_status = False

36.     assert compare_status

37.     execute_proc = openDb.callproc('eric.order_management.delete_order', [
38.      order["ORDER_ID"][0]
39.     ])
  • Line 23: execute a query using the same db connection to obtain the data for the newly created order
  • Line 26: create a boolean defaulting to True
  • Line 27: create a DataFrame object named dbdata from the query result set
  • Line 28: extract the column headers from the resultset
  • Line 29: set the dbdata column headers to those extracted from the resultset
  • Line 30: If data is returned from the database:
  • Line 31: loop through the DataFrame data
  • Line 32: check if any data returned from the database does not match the expected results, column-by-column
  • Line 33: if any mismatches are found set the boolean to False
  • Line 35: if no rows are returned, set the boolean to false
  • Line 36: assert the boolean is true.  If it is, the test passes; if not, it fails
  • Line 37: delete the new order.  Note: this has to be done here since the order ID is returned by the procedure call; there’s no way for any of the fixtures to know what it is

Thanks to the use of fixtures, the actual test code is very concise and easy to follow.

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Mind that first step – it’s a doozy!

As usual, a first post was followed by weeks of silence.  This time I do have a good excuse though.  Since that first post, the ensuing few weeks have been crazy at work and almost consumed all my brain power.  Not quite all though…

During the intervening weeks, I was able to spend some quality time working with Python and PyTest and, I’m happy to report, I was able to complete my first automated PL/SQL unit-testing piece – more on that later.

Before delving into the specifics of that work I think it might be useful to begin by examining what is meant by ‘automated unit-testing’; what features and capabilities are included in – and excluded from – that term.

A little history

From what I’ve been able to gather so far, it appears that the development of automated unit-testing went hand-in-hand with automated application building; with the development and use of build tools like Maven, for example.  By application in this context, I mean a collection of executable files that reside and can be executed on a host computer.  This would include, for example, applications which are written in C, C++, Java, C#, Python, etc.  I would categorize such applications as distinct from database applications which reside and are executed within a database instance.

These tools provide a framework for defining and resolving build dependencies and outputs.  As such, they are also perfectly suited for defining and resolving automated unit test dependencies and outputs.  Such test suites can thus be simply integrated into the project definition files and executed during the build process.

In Java projects, for example, a set of classes are created in the project code base to perform unit-testing.  When performing a build, these classes are compiled along with the application classes and then executed to perform the unit tests.  Generally, the test classes create and subsequently destroy any data or other resources the test cases require.

Things have traditionally been done a bit differently in the database world, at least in my experience.  For most of the time I worked in this field there was no equivalent to performing a build – since there was no end product similar to an application executable.  Typically, database developers would create and or modify database objects, test them by hand and then deploy to the database as individual objects.

Release management was handled by creating patch scripts associated with a release and executing them during a release deployment – all very manual.

So, a consequence of these different situations was that automated unit-testing kind of passed us by in the database application world.  I think we all knew it went on out in the main application development world but it simply didn’t apply to us database folks – we were different.

However, time is always marching on and nothing ever stays static or true forever.  The business of software development gets ever more complex and schedules and delivery dates are always pressing in on us.  Now, more than ever, perhaps, is a good time to bring automation to database application development and unit-testing is a great place to begin!

My point above regarding the different nature of database application development would still be true today; however, one of the newer additions to my development cycle at work is a very clever tool named Liquibase.  My team has been feverishly migrating our deployment processes onto Liquibase.  Our primary application is very large and the work necessary to integrate all of its deployment into Liquibase was considerable.  There are significant benefits to be gained though; hands-free deployment by non-developers to QA and other non-production environments being a major one.  This blog is not the place to go into the Liquibase migration in great detail; however, the use of this tool has now enabled our database application development to be managed much more like a non-database application; we now use Maven to build it and so now have the opportunity to also incorporate automated unit-testing.

What is it?

Now we need to figure out exactly what to do and how to do it.  There are several options for unit-testing PL/SQL development.  Here’s a list of utilities that I found after a little research:

To this list, I would now add the Python/PyTest combination.

This list of utilities contains many different options and approaches – where to begin?  As I continued reading about Python and PyTest, I decided to dig deeper into these tools first.  This combination would, I felt, give me a quick introduction to the world of unit test automation as it is done in the non-database development world.  I felt it was important to gain this perspective before launching into an evaluation of the dedicated PL/SQL tools listed above.

In my next post, I’ll review what was learned from this exercise and how it can be applied to database development.

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Database applications and Unit-Testing

All parties involved in creating applications – developers, testers, users, managers, executives – would agree, I believe , that thorough unit-testing is a good thing. It has a cost, of course, but that cost should be more than offset by the benefits, for example:

  • higher initial quality, i.e. fewer bugs when dev hands over to QA
  • less time spent setting up environments due to better understanding of the applications needs and behaviors
  • greater clarity of requirements gained by developers designing and developing test cases
  • better understanding of impact of new development on existing code

These are just a few benefits. I’ll describe more in later posts.

The holy grail of unit-testing is to not only create and run the test suite frequently but to automate those runs. When using a build technology – like Jenkins – a test suite can be linked to the build and deployment method, thus automatically running the suite after a build and prior to deployment. A further step is then to run the test suite automatically after every commit, i.e. continuous testing.

This approach to unit-testing is common in application development outside the database, e.g. Java, C#, C++, but, in my experience, very rare within it.  In fact, I’ve never encountered it in my entire career – over 20 years – and a quick survey of database development teams at my current employer revealed that not only is no team doing it, but the company doesn’t have a standard or recommended toolset for it!

This would be unheard of for other development teams but it seems to be status quo for database teams; quite strange, I think.

I first encountered automated unit testing about a year ago when playing around with Hadoop. I downloaded the source code for a sample Java app that included a complete test suite. As I ran the Maven build, I watched all the messages scroll by as the tests were run and thought; Wow! This is really cool. Of course, the tests started to fail about half-way through, so that gave me something else to do!

Ever since that day, I’ve wanted to add this feature to my database work and have been researching various options. I’m using Oracle predominantly at work and developing in PL/SQL, so I started looking at my options in this area first. There are several PL/SQL tools available but none really offered the same feature set that I had seen in the Java app.  I will be looking at these options in detail in future posts.

Then I started looking at Python and, after a short time, the PyTest module. Now, I began to see some real possibilities.

After studying the language and the PyTest module for a few weeks, I feel like I’m ready to put some serious effort into developing a unit test suite for my teams work. I plan to document the journey in this blog. I hope it will turn out well and bring us to a better place where we all manage to get more done with higher quality and less effort in a shorter time.

Hopefully, that is possible, right?

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